
We participate in reforestation programs of forest species to promote biodiversity. We use bio-repellents and other products that protect health and sanitation.

By integrating bees into our farming process, we ensure the pollination of our flowers and increase the productivity of our plants. We have 2 hives for every 10 hectares.

The fields has given us everything, taking care of our land is part of our vision

At SiCar Farms we have a commitment with the planet, that’s why our facilities have more than 3,600 solar panels, therefore they work with solar energy in its totality.

We reduce our carbon emissions by 1,500 tons per year, which is equivalent to saving 4 million liters of fossil fuels per year.

For us, being sustainable is not a fashion, it is our philosophy to make crucial actions to preserve our world.

Biological Control

At Sicar Farms we avoid the use of chemical insecticides and pesticides by releasing beneficial insects such as Chysoperla carnea also known as Chrysopa, which helps us to eliminate pests that significantly affect our crops. The field has given us everything, taking care of our land is part of our vision.

Zero Waste

We use all parts of our fruits to avoid waste. After extracting the juice, we use the peel to create natural oils and pectin with our sister company Citrojugo.


We make the most of the waste produced in the production of organic fertilizers, since they provide us with a large number of beneficial microorganisms and nutrients that are essential for improving the quality of the soil and our plants naturally. At SiCar Farms we use and produce: Compost, Vermi, Leachate.

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